Social media platforms are taking over the masses and you should too make advantage of it. Twitter is one of the leading social platforms, it is imperative that you embed an icon or have its timeline displayed on your website. This increases your retweets and your Twitter presence. WordPress is a brilliant CMS that will embed code for twitter tweets, feeds with these powerful plugins automatically. All you have to do is install and activate the plugin of choice.
1. Better Click to Tweet
The most popular click to Tweet plugin for WordPress, for good reason.This plugin allows you to easily create tweetable content for your readers. Using a simple shortcode, your selected text is highlighted and made tweetable.
2. Sharify Social Share Buttons
The plugin includes Responsive Sharing Buttons for Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Reddit, Pocket, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Email. Their Abilities are to hide/display sharing buttons and to change the color of sharing buttons.Sharify adds responsive and beautiful sharing buttons to your WordPress posts and pages. The buttons are responsive which looks beautiful on every device and theme.
3. Social Media and Share Icons
Social media plugin which lets you add icons for RSS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, ‘Share’ (covering 200+ other social media platforms) and upload custom icons of your choice.More design styles to make your icons look really cool & matching the design of your website.
4. Twitter Follow Button
The Twitter Follow button is a small widget which allows users to easily follow a Twitter account from any blog. Followers count display can enable the display the number of followers. The language specifies the language for the follow button available in any language.“Twitter Follow Button” is open source software.
5. Rotating Tweets
Rotating Tweets is an amazing plugin that can be depended on. Even if the Twitter website is down your latest Tweets would be visible to your visitors. Simple is smart, and this plugin seems to follow this rule by displaying one tweet at a time instead of displaying all of them together.
6. oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers
This plugin wraps our Twitter class and provides a settings screen for easy integration into WordPress. However, it’s definitely for developers – you only get a PHP array out of it that contains Twitter tweet objects. You’ll still need to style the output and make it comply with the new display requirements.
7. AI Twitter Feeds
8.Custom Twitter Feeds
9.Feed Them Social
10. Twitter Auto Publish
11. Super Socializer
12. Social Connect
13. OnePress Social Locker
14. Twitter Cards Meta
15. Yoast SEO Plugin